Use: Large nativetree usually seen in groupings to emulate stands of this beautiful evergreen which once covered much of Florida.
Characteristics: Slash Pines are native to Florida and can grow to 70 feet talland 30 feet wide. They produce the typical pine needles and cones that you would expect from an evergreen, and work well in any native or natural landscapedesign.
Trimming: No formal trimming is needed. Allow dead branchesto fall on their own. Unfortunately, older specimens found on sites are very susceptible to root damage during construction and most eventually die. To prevent damage to existing specimen pines on-site, as well as newly planted pines, avoid using heavy equipment, driving vehicles, or storing any heavy items within the tree's drip line during the construction phase and following installation.
Fertilization: Slash Pines do not typically require fertilizer here in South Florida, but an overall yellowingcan be a sign of iron deficiency or of root stress.
Bonus: If desired, you can rake up fallen pine needles and use as a natural mulch.