Use: Most commonly used as a second tier bedding plant, is a beautiful shrub with purple foliage and pink flowers.
Characteristics: Loropetalum is a medium height shrub here in South Florida. While Loropetalum does flower a pretty, informal, pink flower on and off throughout the year, it is most commonly used for its burgundy colored foliage. With its rather woody base, Loropetalum is best as a second-tier planting in a more 'Northern style' or natural landscape: it is not suitable for most tropical styles.
Trimming: Hand trimming is best, but Loropetalum will tolerate shearing once established. Growth rate can vary greatly, but generally a heavy shear in the summer (trimming the plants down by one-third to one-half) once per year is sufficient. Do not over-trim, as plants will thin out significantly.
Fertilization: Fertilize Loropetalum in March, June (immediately following the summer shearing), and October with a well balanced, time released, granular fertilizer with minor elements.